中五級未來職人小組 S5 Future career planning group
Different career planning groups
The “S5 Future career planning
Different career planning groups
The “S5 Future career planning
中大專業進修學院「升學資訊 All-in-One」平台 / 「升學導航 Live 講座」
學院將於六、七月舉辦「升學導航 Live 講座」系列,內容豐富,例如「大學『網上面試』必殺技」、「與你童遊」、「旅遊及款待業之逆境變奏」、「媒體廣告新視界」等,帶領學生認識不同範疇的課程內容,儘早規劃升學路。有關講座詳情,請瀏覽「升學資訊 All-in-One」平台www.cuscs.hk/afterdse
工作坊2:商科 日期:2020年6月5日(星期五) 時間:3:00-4:30PM<br
Career Day, the annual event of Career Guidance Committee, was held in the Weekly Assembly on 29th May, 2020. This year, the theme of Career Day is Holland Codes, which represent different personalities and interests. It is hoped that students learn that they are given and created by our Lord with different talents and passions – ‘Given to give, Created to create.’
In the assembly, students were first introduced to the Holland codes and they completed a short test to learn more about
Dear All STCC students,
Have you noticed the Career Day’s poster in your classroom? This year, the slogan of the career day is ‘Given to give, created to create.’ We are all created by our Lord and given with different personalities and talents like a heart to give and a creative mind.
Are you ready to learn what type of person you are and which jobs suit you? If yes, you cannot miss the Weekly Assembly today. We have invited the guest speaker, Mr Tam, who is a musician and a YouTuber and
香港中文大學專業進修學院(CUSCS)將於6至7月期間舉辦一系列網上專題講座,介紹 CUSCS 14個高級文憑及基礎教育文憑課程的內容和特色, 協助您根據個人興趣、志向及能力,選擇合適的升學途徑。歡迎DSE考生、毅進文憑同學、老師、家長以及有興趣人士參加,名額有限,先到先得。
為讓 貴校師生及家長了解恒大最新入學資訊,現誠邀各位參與以下活動:
( 一 ) 課程諮詢日 2020
日期及時間 ︰6月13日 (六) 下午1時至5時
內容 ︰(1) 網上入學及課程講座;(2) 網上入學諮詢;(3) 虛擬校園導覽
詳情 ︰ https://consultationday.hsu.edu.hk
( 二 ) 敢創前路 ‧ 高中多元升學專題講座 日期及時間 ︰5月29日 (五) 晚上8時 講者 ︰恒大校長何順文教授、香港輔導教師協會副主席何玉芬博士、恒大學生代表<br
About aec Education Consultancy
aec Education Consultancy (aec) is well-known and trustworthy study abroad specialist helping students to achieve their dream since 1987.Although aec is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The University of New South Wales (UNSW), it also represents many institutions from Australia (including Go8 universities),UK, Canada, New Zealand and US. With its reputation and long history in the market,Owing to the coronavirus, all overseas universities
2020/21 學年中六以上程度全日制課程入學申請即將截止
2020/21學年VTC中六以上程度全日制課程,即將於 2020 年 5 月 30 日截止申請。同學於5 月 30 日或之前成功透過「VTC網上入學申請系統」/「VTC手機報名系統」遞交入學申請,將可獲安排面試 (如適用) 及於6月上旬獲派有條件取錄*。有意報讀的申請人請儘早遞交申請,以免臨近截止日期因互聯網線路繁忙而有所延誤。
HKCC 2020/
日期:6月5–6日及12–13日 HKCC 網上選科資訊日
時間:2:00–6:00 pm
內容: (i)「課程資訊、升學選科」講座 (ii) 學生分享HKCC學習生活、實習及課外活動體驗等 (iii) 畢業生分享考取好成績的方法、大學入學面試技巧等<br
Dear Student,
As the Deadline for Updating of JUPAS Programme Choices has been postponed, we would like to inform you that the nomination deadline of the EdUHK Undergraduate Programme Nominations Scheme will be further extended to 22 May 2020. The updated information of the Scheme can be reached on our website: https://www.eduhk.hk/degree/
CGC Team.
We are very pleased to inform you that our Faculty will be hosting the “JUPAS Virtual Information Sessions” via ZOOM in May this year. We would like to invite teachers and students of your school to attend this online event. This is a golden opportunity for your teachers and students to learn about our Faculty’s undergraduate programmes. Details are as follows:
Date: May 29, 2020 (Friday)